![]() We are a tad Haggis-ed out, but both the Burns' celebrations we attended were really excellent. Food, company, tributes and all. However by the end of the evenings we missed having our regular dancers around because, despite the enthusiasm of a few of the guests, we didn't get much dancing done at either event ... too much food and not enough time! So it was great to get back to the classes and pay our own little tribute to the Bard by getting to grips with the Burns' Bicentenary Strathspey. Initially, on Monday with 10 dancers joining in the class they surpassed all expectations and managed to climb The Staircase in Styria - a 5 couple dance with simple enough formations but enough speed and changes of direction to discombobulate most beginners. Having worked off a bit of steam they were glad of a slightly slower pace and they tackled all the complexities of the B B Strathspey - Set & Link, Reels of Four and Ladies Chain along with the new idea - to most of them - of commencing a dance on the opposite side of the set. Extremely well done to all of you. It was a tough act to follow but as usual Tuesday turned out to be equally enjoyable, especially since we welcomed back so many lovely ladies from their extended absences. With my own trip to Winter School looming I am shamelessly including dances that I don't know and that are included on the Winter School Social programmes - teaching them is a great way to learn them myself. It's introduced us to some excellent dances and music - currently we are enjoying getting to know Welcome to Ayr and Craigleith, and although Da Rain Dancin' was just a bit too frantic for some it was a lot of fun trying it out, and Miss Catherine Allan got a thumbs up even though there was something strange happening with the music I used - note to self - must investigate that before next week.
In the last couple of weeks we've had both unexpectedly large classes and surprisingly small classes. It demonstrates yet again that, in Paphos at least, you can never predict how many will come to a class - but also that, independent of the numbers we always have a good time!
Both the previous two Monday 'beginner's' session welcomed visitors and former dancers back to class, as well as the regulars, and we had enough people to get 2 sets onto the floor at both sessions; which is really excellent and very encouraging for the future. The Tuesday class however fluctuated between a really impressive turn out last week, to only just enough for a set this week - though admittedly it was a 5 couple set! It was a great night though - even more party like than normal. Everyone had to work really hard but it was great fun. This Saturday it is Burns Night - unfortunately we decided to cancel the Group's Burns' Supper however there are lots of other celebrations going on around town. We are managing to attend two and we've had invitations to several more. Although we can't personally manage to attend the Phoenix Club's Burns Night, due to other commitments, we know lots of the group are going to it and no doubt we'll have plenty of hairy haggis tales to tell when we all meet again next week. Enjoy, and don't forget the words of Auld Lang Syne :- (making a large circle with hands joined) Should auld acquaintance be forgot ; And never brought to min' Should auld acquaintance be forgot ; And auld lang syne? Chorus For auld lang syne, my dear; For auld lang syne We'll tak a cup o'kindness yet, For auld lang syne (crossing hands in front and re-joining hands at the start of the 2nd verse) And there's a hand, my trusty fiere; And gie's a hand o' thine; And we'll tak a right guid-willie waught; For auld lang syne. Chorus For auld lang syne, my dear; For auld lang syne We'll tak a cup o'kindness yet, For auld lang syne And so off we go again. We had a great turn out for both our first classes despite the Monday class falling on a bank holiday and both classes missing some vital players. It was lovely as always to be meeting up again after the holiday, and really nice to see some new faces as well as regulars and returnees. As always after a break, however short, it took a while to get our brains up to speed - especially mine - but all the dances were enjoyed and everyone left, as usual, with smiles on their faces and the intention of returning - even if that might not be for a few weeks - though hopefully it'll be sooner and I'll see you all next week.
Well here we are, at the beginning of another year. 2025 already. As usual the last year seems to have galloped past and like a beginner dancing Postie's Jig, we've somehow ended up at the right place in the end but while most of it was great fun, a lot of it was confusing and occasionally painful!.
Truly it's been a difficult, or at the very least, a different, year for many, but the classes have always been full of fun and friendship giving us all a lift when people could get to them and something to really look forward to when they couldn't. Our various events have been challenging to organise and this looks to continue as venues have inevitably had to increase their prices as their own costs have risen, however it's emphasised how brilliant the Phoenix Club has been as a base for the group - it truly lives up to it's slogan as the friendliest club in Paphos and the more we can support it the better, they certainly have supported us over the last year. Hopefully everyone has enjoyed their festive season and are looking forward to the restart of both the dance classes next week. Monday, 6th Jan is the first afternoon session, 2 pm until 4 pm, as usual. It's advertised as a 'beginner's and improver's' session but everyone is welcome whatever their dancing expertise - don't forget to bring something to drink, and don't worry if you think you've forgotten everything; I treat everyone gently on the first weeks back, it's amazing what a couple of weeks off does to us. It's a good time to start too, of course, so hopefully we'll have a few new people in the class - drag along those friends who keep on saying it sounds a lot of fun, but have never gotten around to joining us. The 'social' and dancing session restarts on Tuesday, 7th Jan, 6pm - 8 pm with bar service available as usual. Don't be scared of coming to this instead, if you can't make a day class - beginners can enjoy the evening too. You get a lot of help from the more experienced dancers so it can end up less challenging than the Monday class - in fact many people enjoy coming to both. See you soon Jx We've come to the end of the 2024 dancing year and it's been a memorable one. Last week we had to abandon the Monday class before we even started - because only 2 people made it, just like the previous Tuesday night. Although very disappointing it highlighted how amazing it is that, up until then, the classes have kept going because throughout this year so many members of both classes have suffered accidents or have had to battle serious illnesses.
Thankfully most people are either back to full health, or on the mend, and we hope they'll soon be back with us. Indeed we are gradually getting more and more returnees and it's lovely to see them. For those who have been able to come regularly, no week has been the same as the one before. People haven't always been able to dance, but the kindness and camaraderie on both the Monday afternoons and the Tuesday evenings has made the classes the highlight of many people's week - it's certainly been mine. Thankfully this week both classes have been well attended. The Monday session was great fun, as usual, but the Tuesday class was even better. Like most years we ran it as a 'Ceilidh' and we had a great time dancing to the Scottish Country Dance versions of Christmas music as well as enjoying a really super buffet. Pete and I were amazed to be gifted a fabulous thank-you present from the class - it was a genuine surprise and very much appreciated. Pictures and details of the night (including the answers to the quiz) can be found by clicking on the Ceilidh poster on the Past Events page. Have a very Happy Christmas and I look forward to seeing lots of you in the New Year, ready for another happy and hopefully healthy year of dancing. It has never happened before. This week we had 4 times as many people attending this week's excellent Monday afternoon 'beginners' session, than made it to the Tuesday class! Well done to the two intrepid ladies who managed to get there on Tuesday night and - yes, we did actually dance. It was a night of 2's; With 2 attendees we did 2x2 couple dances, we had two non-dancers on the premises - weirdly both called David, and the 2 ladies who man (or is it woman) the bar both made it. We didn't stay the whole 2 hours however, but we did have a very pleasant sociable hour until we called it a night at 7 pm.
It wasn't really any wonder that so few made it. I already knew that many people are away, suffering from injury, or busy with the other responsibilities in their lives; then there is the dreadful cold bug that is going around and all this was compounded by a truly spectacular storm; lightening and rain so torrential, in parts, that roads were yet again flooded - I know of at least one person who made it halfway and regretfully decided it was wiser to turn back. Never mind there's always next week - or next year for those heading back home from a holiday. In the meantime don't forget we've got normal classes next week, then the following week only the Monday class is normal as the final Tuesday Class (on Dec 17th) is being run as our Xmas Ceilidh - simple dances we either know well, or that don't take much learning, a bit of food, a table quiz some music and any other entertainment people may want to provide.... I hope we'll get more that two people to that... on the other hand we'll certainly have plenty to eat if we do! There was some great dancing at the classes this week as we welcomed yet more new, and talented beginners to the Monday class - as well as less challenging dances we really pushed the boat out by taking on Barbara's Strathspey with its '3 couple bourrel' - not a classic beginner's dance but the makeup of the class gave a good opportunity to introduce this slightly more challenging move - emphasising the satisfaction of dancing 'next level' formations - and the fact that they were all capable of dancing them given the chance to learn properly. Tuesday also saw people rising to the challenge of slightly more complex dances - although there were plenty of simpler ones to enjoy too. Finally, this week we also had the chance to dance on Thursday as well. A generous invitation had been issued to the group to join the Stage One's member's night for a ceilidh (with the dancing led by yours truly). We had a great night of simple but fun dances with lots of people joining in. Members of the Tuesday class also performed a couple of demonstration dances - initially a Medley of 3 dances - The Montgomerie's Rant; Byron Strathspey and Highland Rambler, and later De'il Amang the Tailors, and we were also entertained with a few songs in true Ceilidh style. The cost of this excellent night was a few plates of food added to the supper table - and the combined contributions made an excellent spread which we all enjoyed. Well done to all involved.
A challenging week for the classes this week as I introduced some new dances to the programmes. It started with conquering the concept of corners in the Monday class, and an introduction to 'The Bramble Bush' with the formation 'corner, partner, corner, partner'; we then went on to practice 'Reels of 4', prior to dancing them on the diagonal - again using the concept of corners - in the strathspey Fair Donald. We finished with a bit of fun, dancing Barley Bree - well deserved simplicity after all the hard work. Tuesday class started with a practice set for the demo next week - a bit of entertainment for the rest of the class as they gathered (including some welcome returning visitors). The evening's programme included several dances new to most of the dancers - though not necessarily new to the class over the years. After also being introduced to 'Fair Donald' and appreciating it as the elegant dance it is, 5 couples were then guided up and down the 'Staircase in Styria' - despite not quite managing it fully the way through, it was a huge hit and will be on the programme again for another try next week. The Bramble Bush also gained a thumbs up, especially after it was repeated with 'elbow holds' at the suggestion of a visiting dancer - lots of fun with that! More familiar dances followed until we reached Culla Bay - a dance that used to be a regular on the programme and I hadn't realised that it wouldn't be at all familiar to current dancers - so well done to all who picked it up from my rather sketchy directions - I'll go into more detail next time - honest :-).
Just a short update to this week's post.
BTW - Thanks for all the excellent feedback from the Ball hopefully next year more of us will be able to make it. I still haven't got the pictures uploaded to Past Events, but it's part of today's jobs. In the meantime just a few notices for those who might be interested... Apparently there is still a man's kilt ( 42" waist; 25" length), with accessories, for sale at the St Michael's Hospice Charity shop situated 1/2 way down from the mall to the harbour. The closest match to the tartan I can find is called Kintyre Dusk, it's certainly not a common one - see pictures below. The shoes are apparently practically unworn and size 11.5 / 46. Other news is that the RSCDS is running a Dance the World day on Nov 23rd - let me know on Tuesday if anyone is interested in having a bit of a dance on Saturday to join in! It would be good to do, suggestions for a venue are welcome. Prior to that, as some of you know, Stage One is holding a Ceilidh Night (I'm calling) as their Club Night on Thursday 21st November - let Doug know if you fancy going - it's free, but you are asked to contribute to their 'American Supper' by bringing enough food for yourself & one other. Finally, a 'heads up' to check this month's RSCDS Scottish Country Dancing magazine which I'll be bringing to classes this week -there are a few familiar faces featured in it! I hope to see you next week. ![]() This will be the year of the storm. After months without enough rain to fill a teaspoon, the heavens decide to open on the night of our St Andrew Group Ball. It was amazing that so many people did manage to fight their way through the deluge but- for many, the weather simply made the journey too risky. We really missed all those who couldn't join us, but the conditions were truly treacherous and it's better that everyone was safe, if very disappointed. Meanwhile- for those of us lucky enough to reach the venue before the storm hit... or were too far on their way to turn back - and thankfully managed to reach us safely - it was a fabulous night - even enhanced by the lightening show and torrents outside. Due to the hard work of volunteers, who turned up to help decorate in the morning, the place looked amazing and there is something magical about being warm and cosy, surrounded by friends, while the weather does its worst. In addition the Kamares Club surpassed itself with their service & food. The photographs and videos taken during the night, which you will find via the Past Events page (eventually) don't do it justice. The dance programme itself was organised around requests from the guests and included Highland Rambler; Posties Jig; The Orchards of Co Armagh; Waratah Weaver; Mairi's Wedding; Ring of Brodgar; Devil's Elbow; Dream Catcher and De'il Amang the Tailors. Everyone also enjoyed a demonstration dance by several of the Tuesday Night class. We completed the night with the traditional rendition of Auld Lang Syne before everyone set to, and the decorations were down and another great night over. We'll definitely do it again next year - hopefully with more cooperative weather, but at least the night was clear by the time we all set off home. |
MeOriginated in Manchester, England: Worked almost 20 yrs in the United Arab Emirates: Lives in Cyprus. Teaches Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS qualified 2015) -just the average life! Also loves Photography & Photoshop, Gardening, Music, Sewing, Design, Reading, computers, God, my husband & my cats (not necessarily in that order). Hates - crowds, hypocrisy, 'Reality' TV, corrupt politicians, cruelty and greed of any kind. Archives
January 2025
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All Images on this site are copyright Janine Scott unless otherwise stated.