Wow! It's a while since we've had such a full night, with so many new people as well as very welcome returnees. All the new comers were dropped in at the deep end with a vengeance - they seemed to come bobbing back up with a smile on their faces, but if they found the evening a challenge then hopefully it will reassure them to know that most of the class felt the same! It wasn't the easiest of programmes. If new people can manage such complex stuff they aren't going to have any problems with anything more we can hit them with. The rest of the class also surpassed themselves because it is always an extra challenge having to think for more than one. The dance we walked through at the end, but didn't get time to dance, was 'Gang the Same Gate', it'll be on the programme again next week, so get studying, and don't forget to just watch one person at a time if you are trying to learn the dance from YouTube.
It seems incredible that it's only 10 days since our O;/'';/ (sorry that was the cat trying to help me type) own brilliant Burns Night especially since, at Pat's invitation, Pete and I travelled over to Kyrenia last weekend to attend the Caledonian Society's Burns' Supper - a completely different affair but a great laugh, several people we met there were very interested in attending some of our future events so it was worth going on many levels. Now we are full steam ahead to the AGM this weekend, there is lots to discuss and decide, but hopefully it wont take long because there's a great Debbie Dinner at the end of it, free to members and still only €12 to anyone else, so don't miss it. Jx
I've spent the last 3 days sorting out the photographs and putting the decorations back from a really really excellent Burns' Night. We've had lots of feedback saying that it was the best yet, which is amazing, because we always have a really good night. Now we are on to the final stages of AGM organisation, there will be lots of decisions to make regarding the future of the society so, if you can, try to be there or download a membership form from the membership page and send it to the Secretary (payment can be organised via the treasurers - all contact details on the contact page) so that you can get all the information beforehand, have a think, and organise a proxy to vote for you. In the meantime there are now lots of photographs from Burns' Night on the site, either follow this link - Burns' Night Photographs or look for them via the 'Past Events' page, under the 'Events' tab at the top of the page. Here are a few shots to be going on with I can't believe how January is seen as an 'empty' month by so many people. I've already restarted Sunday, Monday and Tuesday classes, given a lecture and currently I'm designing and printing seating plans (just the design and printing, the organisation is done by Irene, I'm not the clever one), bills of fare (organised by Doug, I'm not the clever one here either) and AGM posters (organised by Annelise and Irene, ditto) and checking all the other items involved in the Burns Night, from drinks tokens to table names. We will be decorating tomorrow morning so if anyone wants to come and help feel free to meet us at 10 a.m. in the Elea Club restaurant, many hands make light work. During this week I have been having physiotherapy for tendinitis in my left arm so I have strict instructions to take it easy - not something I'm good at, and possibly the cause of the problem in the first place, but the weather has been on the Physio's side and twice so far this week we've had to switch everything off because of lightening in the area - we do have UPS's for our computers but a lightening strike isn't something to gamble with so we play it safe and switch off - hopefully we wont have lightening tonight though with so much to do - and I better get on with it. Jx
How do I start this off? I've just looked down to the bottom of the page to see when I started 'blethering' and it was April 2014; Nearly 4 years of blethering... or more to the point 4 years since I built the website and really started using the power of the web for the class. It is really gratifying to know that people do use the website, look up the dance programme and videos before the class and try their best to be prepared to join in on the night - it really does make a difference to the speed that people learn the dances.
This was the first night back after the Christmas break and we had almost the exact numbers as this time last year - interestingly when I checked, 7 of last year's dancers are away for one reason or another - so effectively we had 7 extra - but unfortunately so many of us are in the war's that we struggled to get 2 sets on the floor. A speeding recovery is wished to everyone, and it says a lot that so many people still came even though they couldn't dance. It was lovely to welcome yet another brand new member to the society - and an experienced dancer too, which is an added bonus (though we love anyone who is willing to have a go). We didn't get to dance the whole programme but did manage to cover EH3 7AF, a dance we haven't had on the programme for a couple of years and Muirland Willie which didn't quite work out as written but was bravely attempted and gave us a good starting point to work from. Rose of the North with it's lovely music and 3 couple 'rights & lefts' was the hit of the night, but Swiss Lassie provided a hilarious finale (at least for me) it is a seriously challenging dance for the end of the night so well done to everyone who had a go, and don't worry we'll give it another try a little earlier in the programme next time. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next week and don't forget to send Irene your meal choices for Burns' Night. Jx |
MeOriginated in Manchester, England: Worked almost 20 yrs in the United Arab Emirates: Lives in Cyprus. Teaches Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS qualified 2015) -just the average life! Also loves Photography & Photoshop, Gardening, Music, Sewing, Design, Reading, computers, God, my husband & my cats (not necessarily in that order). Hates - crowds, hypocrisy, 'Reality' TV, corrupt politicians, cruelty and greed of any kind. Archives
January 2025
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All Images on this site are copyright Janine Scott unless otherwise stated.