This time next week the Ball will be over - it seems impossible that it has arrived so quickly. I have still got a huge amount to do but with the deadline almost upon us at least that means that prioritizing is easy... so these are very short blethers! I hope to see on Friday, if not then on Monday and if not then on Tuesday when finally we will be ringing the changes ( a little bit) with the programme - see you soon Jx
We were back to 40 attendees last night, but some were non-dancing visitors who happily enjoyed the evening from the sidelines. We had more UK visitors who were dancing friends of dancing friends and again it was great to see how welcoming the class is and how much fun our visitors find us. It was also great to welcome back more old friends popping over for pre-ball refreshers. It is still amazingly warm and it was no problem for the man with a mop to sort out the floor and have it dry before the hordes arrived which was a good thing because it was a wild night of dancing with lots of fast and furious stuff. There were no real dance breakdowns despite the number of newby dancers willing to get up and try truly scary stuff, well done to everyone who is promoting such a great atmosphere - our newer dancers are getting masses of practice which is the only way to learn but can be the hardest thing to do - and this atmosphere in turn is keeping the society active and vibrant. Next week it's the Ball, which is just as much fun with posh clothes added, we will have a brilliant time.
It's like a yo-yo our attendance numbers, last week over 40, this week just 26 - but it was a brilliant night and if I'm honest far easier to teach and dance. We had to contend with a slightly icy floor again - the man with the mop worked over time and still we had problems - though we think we know why, so hopefully next week it will be better. The dance program was a little frantic so it was just as well we are getting slightly cooler nights, though we still had a window open at one point. Two more classes before the ball so the program was packed with 'problem' dances - it gives a slightly skewed impression since it looks like all the ball dances are difficult, but in fact we have most of them 'under our belt', in fact even the tough ones we danced with very little problem - the moments when they broke down proving that we have truly learnt them, because the sets kept going and reformed correctly - formations we spent 15 minutes learning at the beginning of the season, newcomers were picking up in the space of a walk-through because everyone else has grasped the concept - and it's quite possible my teaching has improved with the practice too! If people feel a little tired this morning it could be because in reality we danced 12 dances last night - the super 'Scott Meikle' twice, and 'Johnnie Walker' was included in the programme - being a Medley it is effectively 2 dances - and it was great to see everyone laughing as they left the dance floor.
Well it was a packed night last night! For the first time this year we topped 40 at the class, and most of us danced as much as we could - at one point we had 32 people dancing which was definitely stretching the Latin Parish Hall to it's capacity and required some strategic retreats from the few sitting out to avoid having their toes trampled. P wielded a mean mop to keep everyone safe on the rather slippery floor - apologies to the dancers who managed to find the one tiny square he missed - though the problem was soon remedied. It was really nice to welcome even more returnees, guests and newcomers - even though we are still missing a few familiar faces. It is amazing that we are still low in numbers for the ball - a combination of double booking and early flights home stopping many, otherwise certain, guests from attending. It's a guaranteed super night - there's nothing quite like having real musicians to dance to, even if we don't get many tickets sold it will still be fabulous, however it will be such a shame if people who could go miss it - we only hold one event like it a year, and there is nothing else in Cyprus quite like it - worth trying at least once.
MeOriginated in Manchester, England: Worked almost 20 yrs in the United Arab Emirates: Lives in Cyprus. Teaches Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS qualified 2015) -just the average life! Also loves Photography & Photoshop, Gardening, Music, Sewing, Design, Reading, computers, God, my husband & my cats (not necessarily in that order). Hates - crowds, hypocrisy, 'Reality' TV, corrupt politicians, cruelty and greed of any kind. Archives
January 2025
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All Images on this site are copyright Janine Scott unless otherwise stated.