I know I'm not the only one to feel this way - where on earth does the time go? It is a week since I last updated this bloggy thing (where did the name blog come from anyway?) and it feels like only a couple of days ago. Last week's dance class saw a farewell to our chairman for the Summer as he heads like a swallow in reverse to the colder climes of Orkney; we are now in the flux time when we start getting visitors swelling our ranks but lose some of our regulars as they host or holiday themselves. It was a slightly difficult class last week because the speakers in the hall were faulty, luckily we had our little back up speaker and using my loudest voice we managed but I was a tad hoarse by the end of it so I hope everything is fixed for our DIY night next week. I kept on forgetting to ask for volunteers to lead this weeks dances but as usual people have come up trumps and it's going to be a really good programme. I know I'll still want to teach a dance or two though so I couldn't resist allocating myself the last couple of dances - by then I know I'll be back
Christ is Risen... Christos AnéstiIt truly feels like Easter, after a wet and miserable day yesterday. Today's glorious clear weather is inspiring - church was packed for the early service and the music, hymns and even the sermon amazing. We made sure all the cats were in last night as the crackers went off, thankfully and miraculously, with no obvious casualties, the candles have been lit and our village is now in party mode. Most years we join them and sit out in the square watching the dancing and children's games and chuckle at the excitement as the bingo reaches it's climax - we are lucky to live in a village that still gathers to celebrate in a traditional manner and to be able to join in with the dancing that circles round the square as the dusk falls and suffer with everyone as Kostagis's dad gets drunk and takes over the microphone to sing with his elderly friends! It is definitely fitting to be thinking about dancing. I have been working on posters and tickets for two new events - the first one a Barn Dance that is being kindly organized for me to help cover some of the costs involved in getting my qualifications, the other is the June Jamboree we are holding at the Elea
Yet again time seems to have distorted - Friday night's 20th birthday party seems so vivid, as if it was just hours ago and yet P & I have filmed a concert (which was excellent), attended Palm Sunday service, visited friends and been on two walks since. The Birthday party was very much an experiment as far as venue and format went but it certainly seemed a resounding success - there are pictures elsewhere on the site to prove it. The dancing was fantastic, everyone had big grins on their faces and there was laughter throughout the night, I was amazed that we actually got 3 sets on the floor even after the break for the birthday cake but it was an extra special night for two more reasons - first because having Harry, Bridgette & Alison together to cut the cake and then to hear a little bit about the start of the society from Harry was great and second because when we finally sang Auld Lang Syne everyone continued to enjoy a great impromptu sing-a-long as we removed all the decorations together - we all left on a high that had nothing to do with the drink and was totally appropriate for a very special evening!
It should have rained, instead I am having to water the garden already - since I use water I have been collecting in large olive barrels over the winter, I have to use a watering can but it's good exercise. The freesia are almost over but the fabulous Renuncula's are still abundant. I picked a deep purple tulip and Aqualegia, aka Granny's Bonnet's or Columbine, are already flouncing their blooms in the breeze, it makes up for the rather gloomy weather and chilly breeze. While I was watering I was considering dance programmes - this week's Tuesday session was so good that I'm not going to change a thing for next week, but I am now on the quest for the perfect programme for tomorrow, I'm glad that by now I've had a few chances to see what works but it's still a challenge especially if people will be having a drink first!
I felt ill all yesterday but the dance class invariably makes me feel better. Short of breaking a leg I wouldn't miss dancing even if I wasn't obliged to be there, and since a good portion of the class appeared to be suffering one way or another too they obviously feel the same way. In a way it was lucky that not many turned up for the beginners bit though because I was really too tired for doing step practice, plus the LPH music system had been changed and it took Pete 1/2 hour to find the button to make the new one work (it had been switched off and taped over... duuh?) I thought I was going to have to shout all night because the little emergency speaker I bring works for the music but not the mic.
Irene made an announcement about Friday night's party, there had been a 'sub-committee' visit to 5th floor earlier on to discuss putting up decorations etc on Friday morning, and things are looking good, but hearing her description of my 'Fabulous dance programme' makes it seem much more finalized than it really is - and it can only be fabulous as long as everyone joins in, and the music works, and the mic works and the tables aren't in the way and everybody remembers to bring their shoes and the decorating doesn't take too long and stays up - am I a worrier or what ! :-) Learn with laughterFresh back from the Friday beginners class in Tsada Youth Hall, there were 6 'students' this week. I was really tired because we hosted a dinner party last night and it was 1:30 in the morning before we finished, then we were out all morning so I didn't have much time to prepare however rather to my surprise it was another really good class, in fact we laughed so much that Pete coined the phrase "learn with laughter". Because half the class were absolute beginners I based the class around leading down & up, casting, crossing, turning & hands across, all simple stuff and mainly using the travelling steps but we managed 3 dances (Bruntsfield Links, The Royal Deeside Railway and then The Wind on Loch Fyne ). It'll probably be two weeks before the next class because of the 'Birthday Party' and then Easter and it was quite gratifying to see how disappointed everyone was.
Today I've been making lemon curd - not good for the diet but lovely sticky sunshiny stuff - I never thought to take a picture of it, maybe tomorrow; I noticed 2 little lizards sunning themselves in the front garden - I think they may be my heroes who are culling the snail population for me - long may they avoid my cats - so I thought I'd get some portraits of them, and I just love freesia it still seems a miracle every time I see them growing in my own garden and having great bunches of them around the house just now is a wonderful gift of the island. Dancing was amazing tonight. It's always hard to calm down after a great dance night but this one was extra special, a new website launched - if not quite ready to sail the oceans at least it's bobbing about near the shore very nicely and a 'Free night' one of the occasional treats for our dancers organized by the committee every now and again. It was a great atmosphere and despite the inevitable distraction of food and drink we still managed 9 dances with our newcomers enjoying themselves as much as the 'oldies'.
MeOriginated in Manchester, England: Worked almost 20 yrs in the United Arab Emirates: Lives in Cyprus. Teaches Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS qualified 2015) -just the average life! Also loves Photography & Photoshop, Gardening, Music, Sewing, Design, Reading, computers, God, my husband & my cats (not necessarily in that order). Hates - crowds, hypocrisy, 'Reality' TV, corrupt politicians, cruelty and greed of any kind. Archives
January 2025
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All Images on this site are copyright Janine Scott unless otherwise stated.