For some reason my last 'Blether' disappeared .... is that normal, yes probably! No time to write another at the moment so apologies for that .... I have 3 days to get my exam work done & book for Summer School no time for blethering! See you on Sunday or Tuesday I hope
I usually update this site immediately and I apologize that it is so belated but this has been a very busy week. On Friday a small group of Society dancers gave a brief demo at G&T's restaurant in Kallepia; Saturday morning saw us hard at work at the Elea decorating, then Saturday night we all congregated in our best cocktail frocks with Scottish Bits (aka our Guys looking very fetching in their kilts) to celebrate Burns' Night in style..... and it was fantastic! Enormous hard work had gone into sourcing all the guests' gifts (sponsored by Blevins Franks), the printing, music, raffle and general organization - not to mention wonderful food but above all that the speakers and singers of the evening; Ken, Alison, Doug, Keith, Pat, Annelise, David, Don & Stuart - all orchestrated by Keith - were outstanding and it was the best Burns ever - see the pictures HERE
At the moment we are having our locks changed - no, we are not one of the poor people who've been robbed recently, nor are we unlucky enough to have locked ourselves out - we finally decided that having one door that we could only lock from the inside and another that only locked from the outside was becoming a tad inconvenient now we were having to bring all the stuff we take dancing back in the rain! The promise of better weather this week was a little premature - yet again it was a wet, windy wild night but a really good turn out made it a super nights dancing with very little chilliness once we got going - everyone was shedding layers of clothing and getting warm for the first time that day. Well done to everyone for grasping the new dance so well and so quickly - its a great one to have on the repertoire. I am currently investigating alternate venues for the beginners class: Criteria ... not as cold or difficult to reach as Tsada, decent parking, on a bus route, heating or cooling available, an area of decent flooring for dancing and very cheap or free! - seemingly impossible but hopefully I will have news about that soon. Finally we have also had news from the producer of the STV New Year's show who we sent the 'NYE greetings' clip to- it appears that it was used! Anyway I will attach it to a link on the 'Events' page so everyone can see it if they wish. I hope to see you all soon.
Last week was the first class of 2015 - and the first time we really needed the heaters in the hall. It was a seriously cold and stormy night so well done to all the folk who dragged themselves out to dance instead of drowsing in front of a struggling gas heater like more sensible people. It was a good night's dancing with the lower numbers making it easier to teach and the cool temperature giving a good incentive to dance! This week the weather is supposed to be much better and from now on we will get our 'swallows' gradually returning to us, we are also full steam ahead to the Society Burns Night Celebration - to held again at the beautiful Elea Golf Resort Club House, the first of many great events planned for this Anniversary Year. Happy New Year to all of us and lets enjoy dancing into 2015.
MeOriginated in Manchester, England: Worked almost 20 yrs in the United Arab Emirates: Lives in Cyprus. Teaches Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS qualified 2015) -just the average life! Also loves Photography & Photoshop, Gardening, Music, Sewing, Design, Reading, computers, God, my husband & my cats (not necessarily in that order). Hates - crowds, hypocrisy, 'Reality' TV, corrupt politicians, cruelty and greed of any kind. Archives
January 2025
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All Images on this site are copyright Janine Scott unless otherwise stated.