It is difficult to believe that it is only 2 weeks since the final Tuesday class of the season – as usual time is passing so quickly I’ve difficulty in keeping track. We had a great night, hot enough to make us happy to stop and not so hot that we couldn’t dance at all – the night was slightly marred by an unexpected and unexplained injury... but thankfully the sufferer seems to be doing well and hopefully by the time we are back at class everyone on the injury list will be fully fit and raring to go.
P & I are now looking forward (if that is the term) to Summer School, and I have to thank the St Andrew Committee for a very generous gift towards my expenses there. I've been sent my first block of homework to complete prior to the 2 weeks of Unit 5, and I've got lots of reading to do. Meanwhile P is practicing 3 dances a day from his Social Dance programme to make sure he can keep up –good exercise for both of us because we are already missing Tuesday nights. In the next few weeks I will be busy with lectures, gardening, printing and various charity jobs but I’m already working on the program for the Fall Ball because we only have a week or two available for work when we get back – I’ve lot of good idea’s though, and it has been such an unusually cool June it’s a good thing that we are planning the Ball in September instead of the June date we had last year - we'd have run the risk of being rained on at this time but September is always beautiful - It's going to be a great night, but in the meantime I hope everyone has a great summer.
I wasn't at my best last week, though I’d felt okay when I arrived, my brain decided to have a ‘go slow’ as soon as we started dancing, however everyone got over the initial confusion and we had a really good night. The programme was heavy with Strathspeys in anticipation of high temperatures, but in fact it was a really nice evening with a good breeze keeping us cool, though later on the humidity rose and we were all very glad of the slower paced dances giving us time to catch our breath. We welcomed a new dancer, who thoroughly enjoyed herself and who will definitely raise our average skill level since she had obviously danced extensively in the UK and we enjoyed some hilarious moments as the class managed to get through most of the dances on the programme with most of the dancers in the class getting up for every one – despite the extreme range of skills and experience – well done to everyone. One more class to go before the summer break and we are definitely leaving on a high.
For the first time since I've been here we've had to cancel an event - it's a shame because as usual a lot of work had gone into the preparation, however so many people, who would normally have come, are off on holiday we just couldn't get the numbers to guarantee the great night that everyone now expects - and it was also a shame that so many people that would have liked to attend weren't able... so rethinking and rescheduling is definitely in order. And we have the FALL BALL to look forward to, if time continues to pass as fast as it has already this year the Ball will be here in a heartbeat!
In the meantime there are 2 more Tuesday classes to go, I hope to see you there. I haven’t been feeling particularly wonderful the last few weeks but dancing is so great at making you feel better both physically and mentally. I know that this is an opinion shared by many of the class; it’s like turning up for a weekly dose of happiness! P & I went through the floor prep again last week and it has completely solved the slipperiness problem – it was great to dance without worrying about falling but the temperature is rising and even taking a few minutes break between dances isn’t enough to stop people getting too exhausted to dance - so it isn’t too much of a blow that there are only 2 more weeks of dancing left on the calendar. Then we have the Barn Dance of course, which I hope everyone who is still on the island will bring some friends to and enjoy. See you next week
MeOriginated in Manchester, England: Worked almost 20 yrs in the United Arab Emirates: Lives in Cyprus. Teaches Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS qualified 2015) -just the average life! Also loves Photography & Photoshop, Gardening, Music, Sewing, Design, Reading, computers, God, my husband & my cats (not necessarily in that order). Hates - crowds, hypocrisy, 'Reality' TV, corrupt politicians, cruelty and greed of any kind. Archives
January 2025
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All Images on this site are copyright Janine Scott unless otherwise stated.