We're not quite at the end, but next week's classes are the last for this spring/summer season. It's been an amazing few months - so many new faces have joined us. Both Monday and Tuesday sessions have been well attended and although very different in style, both have kept their fantastic atmospheres of mutual friendliness & fun - and people somehow seem to have learnt something too!. We are still welcoming new people and visitors to the classes, and it's great to see some of our 'sick list' gradually returning to us before the break - hopefully everyone will be fully recovered by our return to dancing in September.
If you haven't got your June Jamboree tickets yet... please, at least let us know that you are intending to come, there's plenty of room but there's lots to prepare too and although our confirmed numbers are gradually increasing, we know there are quite a few of you out there who are 'checking your diaries' but haven't got back to us yet. I admit even I have still not worked out what to wear, but in the end, as long as it cool and smartish, anything goes so I'm sure the wardrobe will provide something. Here's the poster again in case you've missed it - It's a truly special night so I hope you can make it, and in the meantime don't forget our final classes before the break are next week.
Our class turnouts continue to be good despite the heat and 'distractions' from outside events. On Monday we had an almost completely different group from the previous week but still managed to get a full set up to practice a very varied selection of dances. The weather is continuing to be scorchingly hot so having the AC back on line was vital to the class - and even with it pumping out full blast it was still a tad warm for doing anything that demanded too much brain work. Tuesday evening was equally hot and we weren't surprised when only a few people had arrived by 6 pm -especially since there was a huge fire raging in the hills above Paphos - however people kept on coming and yet again we danced many of the dances with 2 sets up. Sadly this was the last night that we will see our wonderful bar ladies smiling across the bar at us. They had been with us since we started dancing at the Phoenix Club, but with one heading home the other has called it a day as well. They had very kindly brought in cake for us all which we enjoyed during our mid-dance break and we presented a card and chocolates from the group, as well as some Cyprus Delight. We will miss them both very much but we live in hope they'll be back - maybe to enjoy the dancing as dancers rather than onlookers? We've only 2 and a bit weeks to go before the June Jamboree signals the end of our Spring dance season, it seems to be approaching incredibly fast - make sure you've got your tickets - there's plenty of room for everybody but there will be a cut off prior to the event so that we can let the Elea know how many to cater for. See you soon I hope...
Flaming June has arrived. And we don't mind at all.... except when there's a power cut halfway through the Monday afternoon class. With my Pollyanna hat on I can be glad that at least it was light but the speed at which we warmed up without the air conditioner, and ceiling fans, reminded us of why we don't dance all the way through the summer! However, we kept going, slightly more flushed than we might have been, but still enjoying ourselves learning the beautiful strathspey 'The Orchards of Co. Armagh'. In consideration of the heat and our slightly melted state another strathspey seemed a good idea and we successfully tackled the Paisley Weavers before the power was miraculously restored and we zoomed through the much more energetic reel, The Devil's Elbow before realising that although the fans were doing us sterling service the A C was having a serious sulk. Of course, once we realised that we weren't actually being AC'd it seemed far too hot to carry on, so we had to call a halt, but since we only had 10 minutes to go we didn't lose out much - well done to everyone involved. And then onto Tuesday... despite informing 'management' of the problem we were still AC-less. With a degree of misgiving we moved the furniture as usual- but although it was cooler inside than out and the fans were frantically spinning, but still very hot and we fully expected everyone to be more interested in hydration than dancing. But no, despite the sauna like conditions everyone danced! It was an excellent night, we had 2 sets up for many of the dances and lots of fun with the trickier ones - the heat definitely didn't help, but everyone did well despite that - a good night all round, even though we sadly had to say goodbye so some of our dancing visitors, it was a memorable night to leave on! And for the rest of us - see you next week.
MeOriginated in Manchester, England: Worked almost 20 yrs in the United Arab Emirates: Lives in Cyprus. Teaches Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS qualified 2015) -just the average life! Also loves Photography & Photoshop, Gardening, Music, Sewing, Design, Reading, computers, God, my husband & my cats (not necessarily in that order). Hates - crowds, hypocrisy, 'Reality' TV, corrupt politicians, cruelty and greed of any kind. Archives
January 2025
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All Images on this site are copyright Janine Scott unless otherwise stated.