Heading into the 3rd week in the UK, this is almost the longest I've been here since 1990 and, although it's a bit dismal weather wise, having plenty of walks a bit of gardening and, of course the opportunity to dance at so many welcoming groups is doing a good job of counteracting the effect of a British winter. Although we are closing all the curtains as it gets dark around 4 O-clock at least the blessing of central heating means the wicked chilblains I used to suffer with in the past are just vivid memories not a new reality. I took my Mum to - The Lowry Theater at Salford Quays last week to see 'Circus 1903' an absolutely fabulous show about the circus which included real circus acts (no clowns thankfully) and used puppets for the elephants - in the same way as 'Warhorse', but this was really funny as well as clever. If anyone gets the chance to see it, it is very well worth going. Back home I know that there has been lots of behind the scene's activity again and the proposed program is published on the Tuesday dance program page... lots of easy dances again so I know you'll all enjoy yourselves, don't get too complacent though... I will be back! :-)
From the reports I've received everyone managed to cope with my absence last week and this week further rallying around has produced a new selection of dances which are now on the Tuesday Dance programme page. The order may not be the same and there might be a few variations or additions but having a look at the videos should prepare most people for a good night of relatively simple dancing. Over here in wet and windy Manchester regions I am surviving on a rich diet of dance sessions and classes. It is very true that once you become a confident dancer you can confidently attend anything even if you are alone, because dancers are always welcomed. I attended a dance last Saturday and for the princely sum of £3 had a brilliant night - I danced all 20 of the programme dances + one of the extras, despite not knowing a sole before walking in - why more people don't take this type of dancing more seriously is inexplicable to me! Before anyone thinks - "well it's okay for her she knows all the dances" - I had no idea of the programme before I went and when I received a copy at the door I only knew 4 of them (interestingly two of them where The Luckenbooth Brooch and Butterscotch & Honey, dances on this week's Tuesday Class programme) so I had a steep learning curve but all the dances were recapped and walked through - ostensibly for me - but plenty of others were glad of it too. I've now learnt several dances that we MUST do once I'm home - Staircase in Styria, 5 couple reel, brilliant fun; Broadway, 3 couple Strathspey, slightly weird moves but brilliant music, Indian River Strathspey - another 3 couple Strathspey but in a trianglular set with a very pretty progression; and if we really want to go mad Torridon Lassies and Prince Charlie's Quickstep will sort the men from the boys. Earlier in the week I attended a smaller 'class' and collected Tattie Boggle ( an old dance but I've never danced it before), Never At Sea, a 6 couple recipe for chaos unless you love 'A trip to Bavaria' (but plenty of people do) and The Aviator, fabulous fun but I know I'll find it impossible to teach without a large gin! I'm missing everyone and the sunshine too but as you can see making good use of my time. (and my mum is doing well too) Jxx
It is almost impossible to believe that this time last week we had just said goodbye to Ian Robertson and were preparing for the first 'post ball' dance class. Ian's music contributing to a super night of dancing at the ball -the spontaneous shout of glee when everyone completed Christmas at the Heath was memorable and the fact that we got through every dance on the program quite an achievement. Some of the food was disappointing - most unlike our usual experience of the Kamares Club - but the night overall was a great success despite numbers being unexpectedly low; best wishes to everyone who, due to injury, illness or just plain bad luck had to miss such an excellent night.
Ironically I am also missing things as I am now sitting in the UK with a storm raging outside and the lights on despite it being only just 3:30 in the afternoon. Unfortunately I've had to head to the UK to give family a hand and leave everyone to dance on in the sunshine without me. I am however looking for dance groups nearby so hope to have a few new dances under my belt by the time I return. The Monday classes have had to be cancelled until January but Tuesday's are still carrying on with the sessions shared between our various experts mainly from the Committee with Pete and Lex handling the infrastructure! It will still be fun. It is difficult to find time to update the site but I will try and get a bit more done over the next few days and no doubt time will fly because I am so busy so I will see everyone soon. Jx |
MeOriginated in Manchester, England: Worked almost 20 yrs in the United Arab Emirates: Lives in Cyprus. Teaches Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS qualified 2015) -just the average life! Also loves Photography & Photoshop, Gardening, Music, Sewing, Design, Reading, computers, God, my husband & my cats (not necessarily in that order). Hates - crowds, hypocrisy, 'Reality' TV, corrupt politicians, cruelty and greed of any kind. Archives
January 2025
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All Images on this site are copyright Janine Scott unless otherwise stated.