Even without including a number of people who just popped in to say hello and didn't stop, this was the largest class I've ever experienced, despite many people happy to sit and watch we had 3 sets up for every dance, except for Stuart's 'advanced' 5 couple dance and even for that we had 2 sets.... it was frantic, noisy, difficult to control, tiring and fun! More brand new dancers swelled our ranks and visitors, dancers and non-dancers kept pilling in... and then 2 very cute dogs with Keith T attached to the ends of their leads - we weren't sure how much to charge them so they got to stay for free :-) With so many people (and dogs) things inevitably slowed down, so yet again, we didn't complete our programme - which doesn't matter at all, occasionally, but to try and ensure we do get a few of the more interesting dances back into the evening I am going to try readjusting the programme slightly - at least until our numbers settle down again.
The plan from next week is to try returning to the 'Early, Easy' format and have all the simpler dances during the first 1/2 of the programme. We'll take a break as close to 7 p.m. as possible, and then, irrespective of whether we have completed the first 5 dances we'll start the second half of slightly more challenging dances so that the more experienced/confident dancers get a bit of practice too. Everyone is obviously still encouraged to dance for the whole evening, and 'simpler' doesn't mean 'boring', nor does 'slightly more challenging' mean all the dances are 'difficult' but if people just want to do one level of dancing they don't have to stay all evening. In the past we have really needed everyone to stay to ensure we had adequate numbers to make up sets and just to maintain the atmosphere but we don't have to try so hard at the moment and doing it this way should make it slightly easier to teach. Our other issue this week was the unwelcome return of the 'ice-rink floor' hopefully it will be improved by next week but luckily it didn't handicap our intrepid film stars who danced as main set for a replacement 'Ring of Brodgar' video - it should be available as a teaching link in a few days - well done everyone, I even saw some smiles! :-)
It wouldn't really be true to say that I have been too exhausted, since last Tuesday, to blether, because although I truly was exhausted, I've been really really busy with lots of other things and it's that what has kept me away from the computer - (including lots of updates to the website to include next weeks programme and creating a page with cribs and links to videos for the Ball dance programme - find it under Events -> Future Events -> St Andrews Ball or click HERE ) I've actually been very keen to get on here and congratulate everyone who contributed to a brilliant night on Tuesday! Topping 40+ people even though many of our more experienced dancers are away, hosting guests, welcoming returnees and talented newcomers; we even had so many men at the class that ladies who usually partner each other had to split up to provide them with partners! In 'nice to see you' instead of 1 man & 2 ladies, one lucky lady got 2 men! Unfortunately we didn't manage to get through the whole dance programme but we still managed to dance some excellent dances and with 3 or 4 sets up for most of them and a largish proportion of inexperienced dancers it's inevitable that things slowed down, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves however and that is the point of the evening - there's always next week for the other dances, and don't forget I also do classes on Monday Afternoons at the UKCA which are open to everyone and the next monthly Sunday Class is on Nov 6th for the more confident/ambitious amongst you. See you soon Jx
Let's thank the good Lord that it is finally getting slightly cooler, with 3 sets up for nearly the whole night, long lost visitors popping in to say hello, returnees and newcomers all swelling the ranks we created enough heat ourselves without it being hot to start with. There was so much going on that it was difficult for me to judge whether or not it was a successful dance programme but I was assured that people enjoyed it very much; they certainly kept dancing to the end. Next week our semi-regular visitor Stuart will be here and will yet again treat us to a couple of excellent but challenging dances - (going from previous experience -the Guests, Moulin Rouge and White Rabbit spring to mind) I am looking forward to seeing what he's sorted out for us this time; he's an excellent teacher but I'm not sure if he's used to having to teach so many sets at once. I have to say congratulations to the set who completed Nottingham Lace - next week we will open the dance up to anyone who feels they can manage it, but this week I just needed to consolidate what we'd learnt on Sunday so that we had a core of knowledge, we also doing very well with Glasgow Highlanders - those people who were new to it found the progression confusing, which is normal - but the sets who got it right demonstrates that you only need to do it a couple of times for it to sink in. See you next week I hope.
First I have to apologise for the late posting of this week's website update - the good thing is that I have plenty of excuses; P & I have been away for the last 3 days, leaving at 8:00 a.m. Wednesday morning to drive up to Potamatissa in the Troodos for a field trip with our Camera Club. It was a super few days break ... we really do live on a lovely island.
Back in real life we've managed to finalise the society's registration for this year and various other 'society chores' have been completed successfully. On a less satisfactory note we have had to cancel the Treasure Hunt and picnic due to lack of interest... since the whole committee was convinced this would be a popular event it was a big surprise, but not to worry, we'll do a bit of research and find out if there is something else that will appeal more, or if it was simply a matter of the wrong day or time of year. We are presumably doing the right thing on Tuesday nights since our membership numbers keep increasing and every week we have such an enthusiastic and fun group of people arriving at the class. Maybe that's the problem ... do we have such a good time together on Tuesdays we don't need anything else ? ;-) We aren't complaining! See you on Tuesday if not before. Jx |
MeOriginated in Manchester, England: Worked almost 20 yrs in the United Arab Emirates: Lives in Cyprus. Teaches Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS qualified 2015) -just the average life! Also loves Photography & Photoshop, Gardening, Music, Sewing, Design, Reading, computers, God, my husband & my cats (not necessarily in that order). Hates - crowds, hypocrisy, 'Reality' TV, corrupt politicians, cruelty and greed of any kind. Archives
January 2025
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All Images on this site are copyright Janine Scott unless otherwise stated.