Click on a poster to see pictures or access reports on that event. If you are really interested you can also note the date and check for a Blethers blog posted at the time. If anyone wants a copy of the pictures - or conversely wants one removed from this site please contact me at:- [email protected] and I'm happy to help. If you would like to contribute images please send them to the same address - I would love to have them.
2024 Events - click on a poster for pictures & more
2023 Events - click on a poster for pictures & more
Click to go to pictures & report of this very successful event
Click to open a page full of memories of a great night
2022 - The Year We Return!
Click on a poster to see pictures and / or reports of an event. You can also find more by looking for the 'Blethers' that were posted at that time.
2021 - A 'locked down' year - we only held one event
Due to the ongoing Covid crisis and the government rules forbidding dancing the only Group event of 2021 was a very successful Xmas quiz, free for members and enjoyed by all.
Dear Members, I can now inform you that we have been successful in our application to join the P3A. By doing so we shall legally be able to continue our activities. There will be a few changes. We shall hereafter be called The St. Andrew Group. The website will be renamed to match this change. If wishing to dance with us regularly members must join the P3A. Forms for this will be available on Tuesday evenings or can be downloaded from the P3A website (HERE). If you are a former St Andrew Society member please bring your completed form on Tuesday and we will forward it to the P3A and pay the initial joining fee of €5 plus €5 for the annual subscription. It will be necessary for members to renew this themselves in September for €5. Those who are already members of the P3A need do nothing more than continue their original P3A membership. The normal amount of €2 or €3 will be payable by dancers on Tuesdays. We will keep members informed of any further changes. Doris Willis. Chairman / Group Leader
-Society and Group Events of 2020 - click on the posters for memorabilia, photographs and more.
Picnic at Pikni Forest
Thursday, 30th July 2020 from 3 pm
This was a purely social get together in the safety of the open air. We all enjoyed the coolness of the forest with space for as much social distancing as people felt comfortable with.
Everyone brought their own food and drink with enough to share. Especially after enduring lock down it was an outstandingly enjoyable afternoon. Click HERE for photographs and HERE for the description on the Blethers page (see 30th September 2020 entry)
2019 - Memories of Great Events click on the posters for more...
click on poster
2018 - a memorable year (click on a poster for more memories)
2017 - yet another fabulous year. Click on a poster for pictures and other information
2016 - Another great year!
Click on the posters below for more memories
2015 - what a lot we got up to!
Link to page with Quiz answers, pictures etc from this and previous years
A wonderful evening - please send pictures if you have any!
Link to pictures from the 2015 Ball
Lunch at Aphrodite Rock Brewery 16th October 2015
Burns Night 2015
The pictures
2014 - and before
2014 Burns Night
at Elea Golf Club
Society Birthday Celebrations
2014 & 2015
2014 Barn Dance
at the Green Olive
- Report & Pictures
2014 June Jamboree -
Report & Pictures
2014 St Andrew's Ball
Pictures & Details
The St Andrew's Ball
Reports & Pictures
from previous years