Tomorrow was here already, and I hadn't prepared a thing- this didn't used to happen, at least not often. I'm blaming the weather, there's definitely leaves on my tracks, even though it's the wrong time of year for them. Our last Tuesday class was relatively small; it meant that the dancers got a very good work out, whether they wanted it or not. Several of the dances could fit in the challenging category, either because they were completely new to the class, or quite difficult, or in one case, both. Well done to everyone who worked hard but achieved a lot. We did welcome some new faces, it was a challenging session for people new to this dance style so they didn't get much chance to dance themselves but they seemed to enjoy the evening despite this so hopefully they are 'keepers'! See you all tomorrow I hope.....
I have just reread my last blether. I'm always a little surprised when I read them because I don't remember from week to week what I've said, in fact it's quite a good diary of events, at least of my dancing life. Yet again I am a lot later than intended adding to this because so much is happening 'off stage', - so to speak - 'other life' is crowded at the moment, far too many 'events' and not enough time and energy! Anyway, dancing is an island of fun in this crazy world and the good news is that we've restarted the Monday 'Basic' class sessions. As normally happens more people expressed an interest than were able to come, at least for the first session, but small is genuinely beautiful in this case, so as long as we can get enough people to create a set and go through formations, it's worth doing.
With having our '3rd Tuesday' break the last Tuesday class seems a very long time ago. It was a strange evening since many people had to leave, for all sorts of reasons, half way through. It went from full on noise and busy-ness to calm and closeness in an instant - it actually felt like I'd taught two completely different classes, each needing a different level of engagement and style of teaching and volume - both of music and voice! It was slightly unsettling and when I realised it had gone 8 pm and we should finish it felt like I'd lost an hour, it certainly went quickly. This week will hopefully be more conventional, though the programme may be challenging for some, I hope there will be something for everyone and I'm looking forward to another great night. I don't usually post this little blether/blog before updating the dance programme for our next Tuesday class, but this has been a challenging week and the mental effort involved in creating the program is a bit beyond me at the moment (it may surprise people that there is much effort involved in selecting a few dances but it makes a difference if I don't get it right). As many people know, just prior to last week's dance session our electricity connection box went up in smoke. For the last week we've been without any power supply to the house. At one level it's been quite fun... no electricity meant no vacuuming, clothes washing, ironing, cooking (we have a gas hob but no fridge or freezer meant most of the food was evacuated elsewhere), and going to bed early by lantern light. But it also meant no TV (hurray) or computers / internet (boo). It really highlighted how many on-line responsibilities I have - websites, flipbooks, monitoring e-mail accounts etc. and how much I use my computer. We could take our computers elsewhere to access power, but unfortunately we had no reliable internet connection - such a performance! Thankfully the wonderful electrician from our insurance company has done a brilliant and very speedy job getting us back on the grid - however now there is a massive catching up to do. Anyway...
Monday class, it looks like we may be able to restart - this is a 'back to basics' class - it includes some of the classic ceilidh dances (because we weren't all born Scottish) as well as step by step (literally) tuition, on all the fascinating aspects of SCD - how the formations fit together, 'proper' handing, timing and a little bit of step technique if people can handle it. It's always been a fun class and a good way to get more confident as a dancer since it is a lot less frantic than Tuesdays. It's hoped we'll restart on Monday 16th - I'll be sending out emails once I get confirmation. The June Jamboree it's on June 24th- tickets will be forthcoming now I'm back at my desk with a printer handy! This is really lovely night - completely different from virtually anything else you are likely to experience on island. If you have visiting family or friends think about bringing them, it's a lovely atmospheric evening under the stars that can cater for any age - the youngest guest we've had was 4 years old, she loved it. More information is on the 'Future Events' page, and you may have received an email about it today too, do let Irene know if you are planning to come. I'll get the programme for the next Tuesday class sorted out tomorrow and I hope to see you soon. |
MeOriginated in Manchester, England: Worked almost 20 yrs in the United Arab Emirates: Lives in Cyprus. Teaches Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS qualified 2015) -just the average life! Also loves Photography & Photoshop, Gardening, Music, Sewing, Design, Reading, computers, God, my husband & my cats (not necessarily in that order). Hates - crowds, hypocrisy, 'Reality' TV, corrupt politicians, cruelty and greed of any kind. Archives
January 2025
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All Images on this site are copyright Janine Scott unless otherwise stated.