Another two classes and lots more fun. People are getting back just in time for the ball - phew - and with lots of energy for the classes.
With a different combination of participants, yet again, the Monday class still buzzed with energy. We tackled reels of 3, again, and again, and again... and then we danced Catch the Wind followed by Moneymusk, like pro's! Well done everyone. Tuesday started gently, people filtering in, faces we hadn't seen for a while, as happy to be back as we were happy to see them, greetings and hugs. An evening that contained both dancers and non-dancers, some coming to just see what it was all about - others reluctantly having to sit out, when they would prefer to be on the dance floor, but still enjoying the company, as their partners made up the sets. And the dancing was excellent! We videoed the Strathspey, 'Letham Ladies', near the end of the session, so well done to everyone who was willing to dance it, even though most people will have been fairly tired by then. It wasn't perfect, but it was close, and it didn't have to be demonstration level - as a simple guide to how the dance goes it will be really useful in the future. Everyone worked really hard and got the timing right, a tricky thing to do in this dance, despite the moves themselves being ultra easy - so well done. It's now onto the ball which is this Saturday... Don't Panic!... Actually it's going to fabulous. We haven't managed to sell that many tickets but everyone going is linked to the classes somehow and it's going to be so much fun getting everyone together. We need help in the morning putting up decorations - it helps to get us all in the mood - so anyone free who wants to give us a hand - join us at the Kamares Club at 10 a.m. and we'll put you to work! Otherwise I look forward to seeing you at 6.30 pm Saturday night in your best bibs & tucker and ready to party!
Two excellent classes yet again. On Monday we were glad to welcome back friends who hadn't managed to get to class for weeks, but made up for it in one session, as we revised Rights & Lefts, Petronella Turns & Promenades (for 3 couples with 1's casting to finish) - and did some excellent dancing all afternoon. Hard work but lots of fun!
Tuesday had a lot to live up to, but did. Despite some unavoidable absences we had the largest class for several weeks and such was everyone's confidence we had 2 sets up for many of the dances. Lots of laughter but some good dancing too. It was lovely to welcome back several people and to also welcome newcomers to the evening too. Tuesdays we are lucky enough to enjoy bar service; and now we are going to be blessed by one of 'our own' joining the team who keep us imbibing. A certain amount of heckling from the other side of the counter is now to be expected but I'm sure we will cope! One more week only before the ball - lots to do, but the main things are under control - food, drink & dancing - what more can you desire!? We'd obviously like more people to join us - you don't even need to dance if that's not really your thing, or you aren't that confident yet - it's still a fun, and very friendly night for anyone who loves the music and atmosphere, and excellent value at €25 (€20 for class attendees). Contact details for tickets are on the Contact page of the website. In the meantime here's a link to 'De'il Amang the Tailors' posted recently on Facebook from the RSCDS Summer School at St Andrews - stuffy! I don't think so! And here in Cyprus at the moment rain is what we want, so the reference is to the amazing, and very welcome coincidence, of 6 new dancers joining us at the same time; Two new couples joined the Monday class this week and two lovely ladies came the day after, to join us at the Tuesday night session. It's obviously in the air - so - anyone else out there fancy joining us? This is definitely the time to do it.
All our new people did amazingly well - especially the people joining us for their first go at this style on the Monday - and they certainly looked like they were enjoying themselves. Starting anything new is always a challenge and it's certainly easier if people had the chance of learning the steps at school, but the benefits are even greater, both physical and mental, if you are attempting to grasp them later - with practice they come, but the beauty of SCD is that in the meantime you can still enjoy plenty of dancing and build up the quality of the steps as you go. I have to again congratulate both classes on being so welcoming and encouraging to newcomers - it's that welcoming attitude that really makes people want to return. And on another track... don't forget there's only 2 more classes before the ball (more info HERE) so make sure you've got your tickets and have got the tiara out of the bank - because it's going to be a super night (and to make it even better it's the best value ball in Paphos!). This year the dance programme has been 'voted for' at the Tuesday class, so they are all ones they've enjoyed, there's an excellent mix of dances so it should be great fun. Contact Irene for tickets and information if you can't get to a class - her contact details are HERE Yesterday I had to restrain myself from adding to this blether immediately; we had such an excellent time at the Monday class and everyone danced so well. We covered 'reels of 3' - then started with just 1/2 reels in 'butterscotch & honey' going onto reels in promenade hold in the super 5 couple 'Fisherman's Reel' and then solo reels in the lovely 'Moneymusk'. We even had time left over to indulge in 'Good Hearted Glasgow' as a finisher. Despite several people being unavoidably away, the generosity of some of our experienced dancers, who attend this class to give us a hand, means we keep numbers and energy levels high and achieve an amazing amount.
Tuesday could have been a disappointment but instead it was another excellent night, even though we had lower numbers than normally. We reintroduced both Tri-Mariner and Clutha to the class and even the less experienced dancers picked them up quickly and did amazingly well. With fewer dancers available to make up sets it was a challenging night of practically non-stop dancing for some, but great fun- we even managed 2 sets up for the 3 couple 'MacDonald of the Isles'. We have to thank Mark for doing some sterling work behind the bar to keep our hydration levels up - though in some cases it was hard to find time to drink our drinks once we got them. Roll on next week. It's almost 2 weeks with no time to blether - although there's been a fair amount to blether about. There's been highs - the visit to our Monday beginner's class by 6 ladies from Lithuania went off really well. Lithuania must be a nation of dancers because, with very little instruction (since their English was minimal), they all danced half a dozen simple, but varied dances - including 2 strathspeys- with excellent footwork and timing. Thanks have to go to those of our regular dancers who turned out to help - it was a really fun afternoon; it could have been a bit of struggle for all of us but instead, with enough hands on deck, and the excellent attitude of our visitors it was a really great experience for all of us. We've also welcomed back other visitors giving us good numbers at class and the ball dance programme is gradually coming together with dancers voting for the ones they most enjoy - a new strategy but it's working well.
There have been lows too - various serious health issues for several of our class members - though all are, hopefully, improving and it's lovely that the members of both classes are all so concerned and supportive. We send our best wishes to all of you. It's exactly one month to go before the Ball. Tickets are now on sale at the classes, or contact Irene (details are on the Website Contact page). It's going to another super night so don't miss it. |
MeOriginated in Manchester, England: Worked almost 20 yrs in the United Arab Emirates: Lives in Cyprus. Teaches Scottish Country Dancing (RSCDS qualified 2015) -just the average life! Also loves Photography & Photoshop, Gardening, Music, Sewing, Design, Reading, computers, God, my husband & my cats (not necessarily in that order). Hates - crowds, hypocrisy, 'Reality' TV, corrupt politicians, cruelty and greed of any kind. Archives
January 2025
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All Images on this site are copyright Janine Scott unless otherwise stated.